Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Farcet C of E Primary School
The local offer will include information about health and social care services, education, leisure activities and support groups in the area for children and young people aged 0 – 25 with SEND and their families.
There will be information about:
The Department for Education’s draft SEN Code of Practice and regulations outlines the range of information to be included in the local offer.
Why is the local offer important?
The local offer will help parents, carers and young people to see clearly the range of services and support that are available in their local area and understand how to access them.
What is the SENDco role?
Our SENDCo is Mrs Helen Baig and her role is to coordinate the provision for the children with SEND across the school. The SENDCo works closely with teachers and parents to make sure children with SEND get the support they need and regularly reviews the provision in place to ensure it is having a positive impact.
Admissions arrangements for children with SEND
If your
child is coming through nursery or pre-school then please speak to your child's SENCo to arrange a transition visit. When applying to Farcet, and your child has additional needs, then please ask to speak to Helen Baig, the SENCo.
What is a EHC plan?
EHCP stands for Education Health and Care Plan. This is a plan of support put in place for a small number of children. If it is agreed within school that we should apply for an EHCP, the SENDCo will work with the class teachers and parents to complete the paper work and provide the evidence for the application, this will highlight why the child requires a higher level of support than can be offered through our in school SEND support. This application will then go to a Local Authority panel and they will decide if an assessment should take place or not. If the assessment goes ahead, a meeting is held with a representative from the local authority, the SENDCo, parents and any other professional involved with the child and an assessment is carried out. Within this assessment, targets are set based on the areas of need of the child. This assessment is taken to a final panel to decide if it should be finalised into a plan. If it is agreed to be a final plan the local authority decide upon any additional funding required to support the child. This plan is then reviewed annually to ensure it stays up to date and the targets are relevant. The local authority currently advise that around 2% of the population have needs significant enough to require an EHCP.
We recognise the importance of helping all children achieve their full potential; emotionally, socially, physically and academically. We ensure they are fully included in all school activities, seeking external support and facilities when needed to ensure that we are meeting their individual needs and providing an environment in which we all flourish.
What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It is a term used to describe children whose needs require any form of support in addition to or different from that of their peers. There are 4 categories of need defined by the code of practice, these are;
Pastoral care
We offer pastoral care within school via our Family Link Worker Mrs Oldfield.
Farcet C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 240337
Email: office@farcet.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
School Administrator: Mrs Debbie Merry - contact for enquiries
School Address:
St Mary's Street
DEMAT Office Address:
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