'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13
For generations a classical education was considered a privilege for the few, not the many, but now its revival in primary and secondary state schools is well underway.
There is increasing evidence that the study of classical subjects helps to:
“It’s about the pupils learning Latin, but it’s about so much more than that too. It’s the principle that our pupils should have access to a wide curriculum and that exciting subjects like classics should be available to everyone.” - David Hogg, Kelmscott School, Bridge Group Report, 2017
At Farcet C. of E. Primary School we teach Latin as it provides the following:
The curriculum teaches Latin in a way that enhances English literacy, both in its choice of vocabulary and grammar covered. It consists of sixteen units, each with a particular grammar focus. The course is designed to be taught by non-specialist teachers and is accessible to pupils of all abilities.
Maximum Classics explores the interplay between Latin and English and every lesson incorporates games or activities drawing on this. The course also tracks KS2 elements such as word class, tense and auxiliary verbs using the same terminology used in English spelling and grammar teaching.
This is the link explaining the benefits for teaching Latin:
Links to the resources for parents:
Audio-visual dictionary - Maximum Classics
latin-pronunciation-mp4 (videopress.com)
under review
Farcet C of E Primary School
Tel: 01733 240337
Email: office@farcet.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
School Administrator: Mrs Debbie Merry - contact for enquiries
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St Mary's Street
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