School Performance and SIAMS/OFSTED

School Performance and OFSTED/SIAMS

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Farcet C of E Primary School


These are some of the comments in our report made by the OFSTED Inspector who visited us:

"Pupils behave well across the school, both in and out of lessons." 

"Reading is a priority across the whole school."

"Staff prioritise pupils’ personal development."

"Children in the early years benefit from carefully considered and engaging learning opportunities." 

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We are delighted to announce that the outcome of our SIAMS Inspection on 20th June 2019, is a grading of ‘Excellent’. This is the highest outcome possible under the new inspection framework and replaces the ‘Outstanding’ grade of the previous one.

This is a fantastic achievement for our whole school community and fully recognises all of the hard work of everyone involved. The final report fully highlights many of the great things that happen to enable both pupils and adults to flourish. It was felt that our strongly held and distinctly Christian vision permeates all aspects of school life; it positively impacts on all, bringing genuine transformation.

Here are a few of the many excellent findings:

‘The vision is a non-negotiable. It is at the heart of all policy, procedure and actions. Consequently the school is a beacon of hope for pupils, staff and parents.’

‘Leaders galvanise staff and pupils to raise their aspirations. This has had significant and meaningful impact.’

‘Staff and partners have developed a very effective culture of care and support for all enabling flourishing.’

'The delivery of the religious education (RE) curriculum inspires and informs. It allows pupils to reflect, question and evaluate and is used as exemplification of high standards for other local schools.’

‘Collective worship is very effective, highly valued and precisely and collaboratively planned.’

‘The school is an oasis of calm, behaviour is good.’

‘Leadership promotes inclusion positively and passionately resulting in enhanced life chances for all.’

‘Pupils are encouraged to explore injustice and become courageous advocates for change.’

‘The curriculum enables pupils to reflect, evaluate, question and apply learning personally so that they can affect positive change.’

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