Forest School

Forest School

'Direct contact with nature has direct benefits for children’s physical, mental and emotional health.'

- Lester, S and Maudsley, M (2007)

At Farcet, we believe that children benefit from being outdoors, whatever the weather, to get hands-on experience in the natural environment. In the EYFS, sessions are planned to allow children the chance to learn, explore, challenge, observe, create, build, imagine and play.

Outdoor learning ties in with many areas of the National Curriculum, perhaps most obviously to science (e.g. studying mini beasts, plants, trees and wild life) but also to geography (e.g. seasons and weather) design and technology (building, woodcraft) maths (e.g. measuring, estimating) art (e.g. bark rubbings, woodland faces) and literacy (e.g. sessions links to stories like Stick Man or The Billy Goats Gruff).

Skill development:

  • Understanding the natural environment: study of flora and fauna – for example learning about a variety of mini beasts, building bug hotels or identifying trees, studying lichen or fungi. Developing an understanding the woodland ecosystem and importance of biodiversity for example through the study of worms and other decomposers.
  • Practical skills: using tools, whittling, building shelters, lighting fires, tying knots, campfire cooking.

  • Creative development: using the natural environment to inspire and develop creative and imaginative thinking and through natural art, stories and music.

  • Personal Social Health and Emotional: allowing opportunities to evaluate and take appropriate risks, challenge and conquer fears/anxieties about the natural world (e.g. dirt, spiders!) work successfully in groups, negotiate, problem solve, work independently and self-direct learning and development according to interests.

  • Keeping safe: learning to identify and act appropriately in response to hazards, both natural (e.g stings, nettles) and man- made (fire, tools).

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